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Ball Python vent

22 15:37:04

Not sure what its called heard it called a the vent in a book,but im worried my ball just finished shedding about 10 minutes ago it was totally in one piece best he has had but as i was looking him over i noticed that were he goes to the bathroom from (the U shaped vent) looked like it was outlined in blood it wouldn't wipe of it just looked red around the flap I put him back in the tank for a minute and noticed his tail sticking straight up and looked closer and realized he was going to the bathroom gave him a minute and checked him again thinking it would actually be bleeding from going and it looked better I couldn't see a red u anymore what could it be?Could it be from just shedding or having to use the bathroom?I was so glad to see him have a perfect shed and now Im worried to death!Would really appreciate any clue or advice'Thanks Marsha

Hi Marsha
Don't worry one bit.  Everything you saw was normal. Part of the shed is attached to the vent opening and looks reddish after a shed because the new skin is showing underneath.  Most snakes, as your's did, always defecate right after shedding. The skin is "fresh" and "new" and will have a reddish coloring around the vent.  Don't worry . Your snake is fine.  :-)