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Corn snake regurgitation

22 15:32:43

Have a nine month corn snake, acquired at 3 months - has eaten well until regurgitated the other day, I think because the fuzzie was too large and I forgot to slit the skin, which I normally due when they are large. She is on the small size and normally eats every four days. I will wait at least a week to try feeding a SMALL meal, but my question is this:It has now been five days since she regurgitated the "whole" fuzzie, but I have noticed she has continued to regurgitate very small pieces of the same fuzzie every day or so since then. Is this normal following regugitation or could this be more serious? And presumably I now need to wait even longer to feed her.

Hi Rose,
    I have never seen a snake continue to regurgitate. In my experience, the mice have come up whole. Is it possible that you might have gotten a bad feeder? I have fed before and had a snake die without explanation. Usually, the couple times it has happened, the snakes mid-section swells and it becomes lethargic. Death follows within 24 hours. On the other hand, I had a Macklot's python who swallowed and regurgitated a gardening glove. She is now 8' plus and growing.

To answer your question, I am afraid it could be something more serious. I hope you have a good vet. Most vets do not have a lot of experience with reptiles, especially a problem like this. I would wait 3 days after she stops and then feed her a smaller than normal live pinky. If the feeder is live, your chances of getting a "bad" one are very small (I am  assuming that you normally feed frozen). Keep her hydrated (soak & humidity) and increase the temperature to the upper end of the snakes normal tolerance. Hopefully, she will recover quickly and be right as rain in no time.

Let me know if I can be of further help.

Kevin L. Ogle