Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > king snake isnt feeding

king snake isnt feeding

22 15:26:17

hey, after my king shed his skin these last 2weeks he hasn't been interested in the mouse i have defrosted for him i take him out of his enclosure to feed him and he never once hasn't declined food so I'm just a little bit worried for my snake in the back of my mind i feel i have jumped up a mouse size to quick your opinion ..?

I would not be worried over just a couple of weeks. The prey items size should be equal to the largest part of the snakes body in girth. If you always use that rule, you will always be feeding the correct prey size. Give him3 or 4 more weeks and try to feed him often. If you have no other options, try a live prey item. If after 3 to 4 more weeks he does not eat, take him to the vet.