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my corns eating habits lately

22 15:26:26

She just turned a year old and her eating habits was ideal, she had very good strikes and would hone in on the mouse as soon as we would put it into the terrarium. (we feed her dead, thawed hoppers)They were always individually packaged and the pet store does not sell them that way anymore, we can only get multi-packs of three-five. She would eat two a week and then in the last two months she cut herself down to one and now for the last two, almost three weeks she has showed no interest in the mice we have tried to feed her. She shed almost 4 weeks ago and she ate one mouse and regurgitated the second mouse(never got passed the head) She has been very active in her tank and is wanting to get out, we do normally handle her and bring her out but since she has not eaten, she has been hissy every time I go to touch her, but has not made an attempt to strike. ANY ADVICE????? on what we should do?

  A snake can go a long time without eating. I have a macklot's python who once went 6 or 7 months without eating. Winter has something to do with it. They can sense when the days are shorter, even if you keep the temperature constant. My advice is to keep trying for now. Mix it up a bit and try at different times of the day, different colored mice, try rats instead of mice etc... As a last resort, try a supervised live feeding (if the snake does not bite and kill the rat, remove it from the enclosure). If he goes more than 6-8 weeks without eating, see an exotic animal vet.