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Dry skin around snakes nose

22 15:31:32

i have a juvenile columbian boa and its fully shedded and i notice dry skin appear a while after it shedded i was wondering if this a serus and how to take care of it

Hello John,

A few quick questions.

1. Is there anything your snake can rub its nose on to cause irritation? i.e.. screen, ornamental items, heat rock

2. Did your snake shed a complete shed or was it in pieces?

I would tend to lean more towards the later cause because it is more common for snakes to have left over skin around their noses.

I might suggest you observe your snake for a couple hours while it is at its most active point. Watch for him/her rubbing its nose on objects within the tank.

If you find it is a piece of skin left a great way to help with this problem happening again is to mist the tank once a day.

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovengo