Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > why it keeps getting out her cage

why it keeps getting out her cage

22 15:30:10

today is 2-26-09- she has gotten out today about twice with in 3 hr. period this is not her first time for her to get out .but first time to be madd.they try to get her and she hisses and strikes. why is this behavior for? what can i do to stop this

Hi Sonia,

There is not much you can do about the hissing and striking. This is only natural. As for getting out you need to buy a snake proof tank. One that has a locking lid. They sell them at petsmart or you can buy a vision cage. These have sliding glass in the front and have locks for them. There is no escaping these tanks.

Hope this helps, and is not to late