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ball python not feeding

22 15:21:03

i have a 3 year old ball python i got from a breeder a monyh ago. she is 3 1/2 feet long and weights about 2 1/2 pounds. she has not eaten since i got her. she has been fed frozen/thawed andshe wont even look at it(i try to feed her adult mice)the temp is 90 on one side and 75 on the other. she is in a rubbermaid tub with a hiding box. HOW CAN I GET HER TO EAT?

also she pooped all over me today starting with a long stream of tea colored liquid and alot of it. then the poo. is there a way i can tell if she has to go cus it was not fun.

let me know what u think thanks!

As to the pooping... not really...  LOL  Sorry.

As to feeding, contact the guy you got her from and find out what she was eating for him.  If no luck there try rats.  At 3 1/2 feet she could easily eat large rats.  If frozen won't work try live, just monitor the situation and if the snake doesn't react within 5 minutes remove the rat and try again later.