Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > help with moisture for a red tail boa

help with moisture for a red tail boa

22 15:36:13

We have a 7 month old red tail boa that has trouble shedding. We use a heating pad and a light like we do for our four ball pythons and our corn snake. But we are having trouble getting the humidity up. We moved them out of our room and in to a smaller room that has the two other balls and her. But since we have put them in there we are having the humidity trouble. We tried to run a humidifier but that isnt doing it either. Can you please help us

Have you tried putting a small container of water on the heating pad? This will help more water evaporate and keep the humidity up. Misting 2-3 times a day will too. I also use a shed box (A hide box partially full with damp paper towels or moss. I use moss myself) to help facilitate the shed.

It might take a few sheds before they get back to normal. Don't worry, this is a common problem. :)