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Ball Pythons and normal excretions

22 15:31:48


I recently obtained an 8 month old male ball python. I have had him for two weeks now and he's eaten twice according to the schedule he was on prior to coming to my home. He's an amazing little guy but I worry about his excretion. He has not "pooped" or excreted anything since I got him. Is this normal? How often should they be putting out waste?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Breanne,

It is possible that he excreted just before you got him so there may be no excretion from his 2 feeds. assuming you have fed him twice in the two weeks you have had him there should be some feces in the tank, but it may be hard to spot. if you really cant find anything then there still probably isnt a problem. check his cloacal area for any blockage or buildup. if there is a blockage or buildup he may have constipation. to ease this you can give him a bath in some lukewarm water and gently massage the area where the buildup is trying to ease it towards the cloaca. eventually he should pass the feces.

keep feeding him as normal for a further 2 weeks. if still no feces is found he probably does have constipation. again check his cloaca for any sign of a buildup. if no buildup is found and no feces is found in the tank then you might need to take him to the vet encase of worms or similar.

i hope this helps,
