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snake feces

22 15:31:00

I live in Florida and seem to have alot of snakes on my property.  I live residential and really don't like this.  Why am I plagued with snakes?  None of my neighbors or friends have had snake encounters like me!I was wondering, what causes them to want to live at my house?  We do not have mice or rats, no bushes, nothing cluttering the yard. Also, what does snake feces look like? Please help!!

Hi Barbcaudill,
   Good question. Snakes will only hang around it you have the following:
1. mice or rats
2. water
3. shelter / hiding places

Perhaps you see no rats because you have many snakes around! Wish I lived where you do. Snake feces can vary in appearance. Some look like human's and others start out looking like human's, but have concentrated uratic acid at the end (very white in appearance). I would not worry about the snakes. They will cause you no harm if you don't bother them. They will keep your house free of diseased rodents.