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Feeing my kenyan sand boa

22 15:36:20

The last mouse my kenyan ate was about 3 inches long and it had fur... so it was a decent size.. but now it hasn't eatin in almost 2 months... I have tried feeding it but it has no interest at all in it.. any suggestions. Other than that my kenyan is acting fine and is still very social and friendly.

It is getting into the winter months, so him not eating is not really a big surprise. And the fact he is still very social and friendly points to him just plain not being hungry. Keep offering one to him every week just to see, but as long as he still drinks and you don't notice any other behavior or health  problems, he may just be doing a normal snake thing.

I'll admit I only held my first Kenyan about a week ago, so it isn't something I know much about. But I would think that the not eating in the winter months would be a must for a desert snake. I did meet a guy at my last Expo (Northwest Captive Breeders Expo) who specializes in them, but for some reason I cannot find his card. I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep an eye on his health and everything should be fine. :)