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problem with snake eating?

22 15:33:35

I have had my ball python for a few years now and have never had any problems with him eating until recently. I fed him a live mouse, that I know he ate, and then the next day I was doing something near his tank and noticed the mouse was in the tank dead. I think he regurgitated it and my question is why would he do that? He just finished shedding a couple of weeks ago, and hasn't eaten anything for a few weeks before shedding. My snake has never done anything like this and is healthy.

Hi Helen,

There a few things you need to figure out or ask yourself first.
1. Did the temperature fluctuate last night?
2. Is there a hot spot that may be to high? (The hot spot should be around 95 degrees)
3. Do you have other pets? (ie. cat or dog) There are time when a pet can agitate pet snakes and cause them to regurgitate.
4. Was they prey item to big?
5. Is my humidity correct?

Another cause might be mites. Check your snake over as well as the water bowl. Look for pepper like bugs in the water. It could have also been a fluke. Check on those things and if everything seems good, then just continue to offer food. If this problem continues a couple more times you might consider bringing your snake to the vet, someone who knows herps very well.

I hope this helps Helen, if there is anything else I can help you with please feel free to contact me again. You can also visit my website and join the ball python forum as well as check out the blog.

Thanks, and good luck.
Eric Rovegno