Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Snake egg laying

Snake egg laying

22 15:29:46

QUESTION: I haven't found any info on this subject so I'm comming to you.  Do female snakes need to mate to lay eggs or will they lay eggs periodically (this is embarrasing to ask) like a bird, to be later fretalized?  Sorry if this is dumb I just want to be prepared if this happens.
Your's truly, Embarrased Newbie

ANSWER: Hi Mike,
  Yes, that is correct. They will lay unfertilized eggs; happens all the time. These eggs are commonly called slugs.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.  Now that I know that, I will ask what to do with them. I assume they are no good, so should I dispose of them? If so, is there a special/safe way to do it?  For example taking them in to a vet to be disposed of?  Thanks again.  ~Mike

Hi Mike,
  Yes, I would dispose of them as you would any other solid waste. Personally, I put them in a zip-lock bad and then into the regular trash. BTW, that was not a dumb question at all. The best thing to do is to ask someone who knows if you cannot find the information yourself.