Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > my corn snake is acting strange

my corn snake is acting strange

22 15:33:05

i have only had my snake for about 1 week and i fed it a pinky, read up that your not ment to handle the day of feeding or day after and not to touch the pinkys with your hand, which i did... but he ate it then 1-2hr later spat it out whole, he is only young about 7 months any reasons why he did this ???? when should i feed him again

Hi Annie,

You can feed your snake again right away.

The size of the prey item should be equal to the girth of your snake. It may be used to fuzzy mice and not pinkies. You should ask the person or store you purchased him/her from what they were feeding it.

As for the handling of the prey, you are ok in doing so as long as you wash your hands before.

Good luck, and let me know if there is anything else I can answer for you.

Eric Rovegno