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Cypress Mulch Questions?

22 15:30:06

I was thinking of getting a new substrate for my ball python. I want one that I could mist and makes the enclosure look attractive and natural. Cypress Mulch looked like a really great substrate to use. I currently have my ball python in aspen bedding. I heard that if I mist the cage when I have aspen bedding, the substrate will grow mold which I want to avoid.

My ball python doesn't have that good of sheds. He does not shed on his own and will not attempt to. I have to give him a bath for about 20-30 minutes then shed the skin for him. I want a substrate that will also help me with the shedding, like make the skin softer and more moist so its better for me to help him get it off. Now I want to know a few things if you know anything about the substrate. I do live in Arizona, he lives in a 20 gallon tank, and the top of the cage has a screen lid where it slides and locks in place (prevents snakes from escaping, best way I could describe that). Now for the questions:

1) Do I have to mist this daily?
2) If so, how many times a day do I mist this?
3) I have a half-log hide and a climbing stick for my python, if I mist the cage will these mold or be fine? I also have some decorative plants.
4) Can this bedding grow mold?
5) Is this substrate bad for snakes?

I just need to know those 5 questions. I also heard that this substrate wasn't that good to use but I'm tired of having aspen bedding and I want to try something new. Thanks so much. :)

1. I would. Just a burst of mist here and there, do not soak it.

2. I'd go 2 or 3 times. You are in AZ and it is rather arid there.

3. Depends. I would take the misting over the chance of mold and replace these items or soak them in a bleach solution when they do grow mold. Be sure to dry the whole everything for a day or two if you go this route.

4.Cypress can grow mold, but is less likely to grow it when compared to aspen.

5. NO! I use it in all my enclosures. Make sure to bake it or soak it / dry it before using (to kill any parasites). You can get it @ Walmart for apx 4.00 per bag.

I want to complement you on something. You gave plenty of info and asked 5 concise questions. The experts are able to help so much more when folks ask questions in this manner. Excellent job Tiffany. Please feel free to contact me if you need further help.


K. Ogle