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aggressive boa

22 15:26:19

I have had my red tail boa for about 2yrs now, she is about 3 feet long and eats 2 mice a week on wednesdays. When I tried to feed her last week she bit me when getting her out of the cage, I fed her, and slid her back into her cage without touching her. I didn't handle her since, this week I was feeling a little scared when getting her out to feed her so I tried rubbing her with the smooth end of a sharpie to test if she would strike.She seemed to enjoy it, she slid under it, when i tried to lift her she started jolting violently in mid air so I put her back in her tank. I decided to not test her any further today. I still need to feed her tomorrow and honestly I am a bit scared she will bite me again. I have heard of using gardening gloves, but I feel like she wont recognize my hand when I handle her if I do so. any recommendations?

  Gardening gloves are the way to go. I have had the exact same thing happen and once they get used to you, they will usually stop biting. It could also be that your snake is simply hungry and feeding her will take this response away. I have seen that happen too, no matter how well fed they are. Make sure you feed her with tongs. You dont want her associating your hand with food.