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My python being aggressive

22 15:33:08

I have an indian Python. its almost 6 feet long. till she had been a very calm and peaceful snake. but from last few days she has becom very aggressive . she is attaching a lot and she allways attack on the face, she has bit me twice. once on my forehead and once near my year... its really become dangerous but i love this snake. its a very beautiful one. kindly tell me what to so that she becomse less aggressive again. it will be a great help

Hey Omair

We definitely need to get that taken care of before she reaches full length. Beautiful python.

I'm having problems finding much info on breeding Indian pythons, which doesn't particularly surprise me with their length and the fact they are on the CITES I list of endangered animals. Aggression that is sudden, a lot of the time is hormone driven. She may have just come of age and at her size will be harder to tame down.

You have to be assertive and confident about the handling. A 6 foot snake is bordering on a size that I would not suggest handling without someone else around especially with an aggressive snake. It will be the same kind of taming that you do with smaller snakes. Wearing a few layers of clothing may be a good idea. What I don't know about this, is if she gets aggressive when you pick her up, or during the handling. If it is the pickup then it might be a good idea to invest in some snake hooks. You can also take an old tshirt of yours, sleep with it for a week or so, and then place it in the cage. For some snakes the smell is  enough to help her not see you as a threat.

If you cannot get her to tame down...and you find that her size is too much...if she is captive bred, then a zoo might be interested in her for a breeding project. At the very least it might be a good idea to get in contact with someone who breeds or takes care of numerous Indians to see what they have seen as far as overall temperament as they get older.