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white cornsnake discoloration

22 15:33:08

if you can thanks for answering this ?. I have an albino corn snake , white on white, and i have noticed the past few weeks that the bottom of the neck in some places are turning a yellowish color. Is this something to be consured about, and is there anything i should do. I feed him once a weed, keep him in a fish tank with coco soft bedding, at about 75-80 degrees. I change out the water every day. and give him exercise 3-5 days a week. I have no idea why this is happening . thanks for the help

It's kind of hard to say without seeing a picture. If the snake is a juvenile, then I would suspect that this may be a natural color change. I have some albino honduran milksnakes that have gradually yellowed with age. I might also suspect the bedding, but I wouldn't think that a soft bedding would do this. If the snake is still eating and acting normally then I wouldn't be too concerned about it.