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Boa...color inconsistancy

22 15:32:41

My columbian boa seems to be much darker one day or much lighter another. Today she seemed darker than I have ever seen her. And its not her pattern neccesarily that seems darker, I understand her tail pattern is more vibrant. It is an all over color change, similar to as a human might get more tan. I just dont know if it is something I should be worrying about.  Maybe you can help! Thanks

Hi Janelle,
   Nothing to worry about at all. I have that happen in many of my snakes, especially my Brazilian Rainbow Boa. The shed cycle has a lot to do with it as does the amount of exposure to UV light. I have seen them change color from one day to the next. Just make sure your husbandry is top notch (follow a care sheet) and enjoy the changes in color!

Kevin L. Ogle