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Jormungand the red tail

22 15:20:28

Hi i have a 4.5ft columbian red tail named Jormungand, I Rescued him from a guy that had no idea how to take care of him. When I got him he was very underweight. Ive had him for about a year now but I'm not sure how old he was when I got him. He eats like a champ but he has not gone to the bathroom in about a month. I've been soaking him about every other day but it doesnt seem to be helping. Any tips? he has not swallowed any substrate  because I do not feed him in his tank. I'm wondering what I can do for snake constipation.


Thanks for your question. Since you're sure your snake hasn't eaten substrate, there are a couple others reasons why he could be constipated. Perhaps he is not getting enough basking light-time in his cage; constipation can occur if the snake cage is too cool. Also, it could be a parasite infection causting it.

There is something you can try from home before you take your snake to the vet. You were on the right track with soaking your snake in water. Put him in your bathtub and fill it enough to cover him with warm water. Let him soak for 10-15 minutes then gently massage his belly from sternum to vent gently for 5-10 minutes, keep the water warm if it cools down. This should get your snake to deficate within 24 hours. If it does not you need to take him to the vet so xrays can be done to determine what is constipating him.

I hope that helps. Let me know how things go. Thanks.