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My older corn snake.

22 15:32:01

Hi, I'd like to ask a couple of questions. We adopted a red albino corn about 10 years ago. We were told he was 11 at the time. He seems to have lost some sight in one or both eyes. When I feed him, (and he has a very good appetite), I have to show him the mice. He can lose track of them, and go looking for them till he finds them.
Also, he seems to have experienced a break in his vertebrae which doesn't bother him at all. The vet told me it is not uncommon for this to occur, and it usually doesn't interfere with their daily life.
I'm wondering if snakes can go blind with age, and how long a corn usually lives. He's a little more than 4 feet long, and loves to come out and play.

Hi Critter,

if what your corn snake's previous owner said was accurate, your corn is a real grandpa of a corn snake. corn snakes generally live up to and around 15 years of age. 21 years of age, is amazing and a real credit to you and its previous owner, for looking after him so well.

snakes, like people can experience a loss of sight as they get to a very old age. unfortunately, this is a sign that he is coming closer to the end of his life. but his good appetite and how active he is, is a good sign that he still has lots of life left in him. And like i said, his old age is a real testament to how well you have looked after him!

thanks for your question and i hope this helps,
