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Not eatting blood under scales???

22 15:31:02

According to the vet I just took my ball python ( 2 years old,3 feet long and VERY active) She looks as healthy as could be. She hasn't eaten in almost a month and a half. I took her to the vet and he explained to me that more than likely if was because of a bad shed that left her caps on. She hasn't shed in over two months, she hasn't eaten in a month and a half, some of her scales are seperating and now I have noticed a very small amount of bleeding under her dorsal (bottom) scales.. I am very lost and unsure of how to help my lil girl. None of the answers ive gotten from the vet have been much help, maybe you can help me out with this one?


Hi blooded,

It is around that time of season when ball pythons go into breeding mode. This could be the potential cause for her to not be eating. She is around the breeding age. As far as her shedding I would try checking your temps and humidity levels. They should be checked around this time of season. We may not notice a big change, but when your a cold blooded animal and looking for heat you sure do.

Not sure where it is that you noticed bloody scales, but if it was around the vent hole then this could be another sign of breeding time. When females get in that mode they will in a sense mark their area for males to smell.

Please keep me up to date on her,

Eric Rovegno