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jungle carpet python not pooping

22 15:36:27

I have a jungle carpet python who is around 3yrs old, I recently (about a month and a half ago) moved him over to a friends house as I will be travelling for a year and she very kindly offered to look after him while I'm gone. We are now worried because since the move he has not gone to the loo. He has no loose beding in his tank, a large water bowl he can eaisily get into, two good hides (one at each end) and good heating. Beofre the move he would go every 2 to 3 weeks (nice big smelly ones!) He gets fed a small meal once a week now although before it was a slightly larger one about once a fornight, this is the only change in his housing ect though. We made the change because my friend felt it would be eaisier for her to remember ect and I didn't think it would make much difference to the snake, was I wrong? what other cause could there be? Thank you for any help you can give me. Fiona.

Hi Fiona
First I want you to know that it is sometimes common for pythons and other species of snakes to go for six months eating ravenously but not defecating or shedding. There really is no actual answer as to why that I've found, but I've never seen it to be a problem. For these species, this seems to be normal. Also, remember that winter is drawing near and most snakes go into a type of brumation (hibernation) period.  This in turn can lead to a smaller appetite and storage of feces for the winter months. You also moved your snake and that caused a bit of stress on him.  As long as he is provided the proper cage, water, heating, etc and looks healthy he will eventually adjust nicely.  So as of now I would not worry about him. Continue to offer food if he will take it. Jungle carpet pythons are BEAUTIFUL snakes by the way!  Good luck and thanks for writing :-)