Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Compatibility & general wonderance.

Compatibility & general wonderance.

22 15:32:31

Hi there, we recently bought a Royal Python who is about 2 1/2 months old now.  I may as well list the questions as i think this may be easier for you as the subjects are varied!!

1 - It has only eaten once (force fed about 2 weeks ago) since leaving the reptile shop at 3 weeks this normal?

2 - My partner wants to get a corn snake, will they have to be kept separate or would they fight?

3 - Is my tank set up properly?  We have a 30x20x20cm ventilated plastic tank equipped with heat mat, hiding place  (off the heat), a few bits of bark, scattered small wood-chip, medium sized rock and a bathing bowl (on the heat) which gets changed every day with fresh water. I'm just a little worried that it's not humid enough in there...

4 - it hasn't shed yet, is there anything we can do or is this ok?

Thanks so much in advance :)

Hello Lauren,

Ok so first of the force feeding is not good. This can cause undue stress.

The second thing is the cage is just right. You might consider using aspen instead of bark. This is especially true if your feeding in the tank.

You should not house a corn snake and ball python together, not because they will fight but there is a chance of one getting eatin.

Hope this helps.
Eric Rovegno