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death of a cornsnake

22 15:32:11

I owned a cornsnake. I used to feed her pinkies but since she was growing up i decided to go the next size up and fed her a fuzzie, i guess it was to big for her and she threw it up. I tried feeding her again but she threw up the pinkie as well. I did some research on the internet where i found out i had to wait a couple of days to feed her again. I kept trying but she didnt seem interested in the pinkies. Today i came home and found her facing upside down and as far as i know snakes dont do that. So i touched her and she just wouldnt move. She did move a little but then stopped. I think she is dead because she doesnt move at all and even if you touch her she just doesnt move. What could have caused her death?

When a snake regurgitates it's food you need to wait 10 days before trying to feed it again. It loses a lot of it's digestive enzymes in it's stomach and takes that long to recover them. Trying to feed them repeatedly without waiting can eventually cause death, but I've never heard of it happening as quickly as you've described. You can take the snake to a reptile vet for a necropsy (autopsy) and they can tell you how it died if you really need to know. Out of curiosity, what size mouse did you give it that was too big? If it were a fuzzy then it should have been ok since that's the next size up. An appropriately sized meal should leave a small but noticeable bulge in the snake that lasts for about a day or two. During this time you shouldn't handle the snake because that may also cause regurgitation.