Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > suddenly pale albino corn

suddenly pale albino corn

22 15:36:31

Hi Jennifer- I acquired this snake approx 1 month ago from a friend who admitted she did not feed it regularly. He/ she is approx 10 yrs old and super skinny. Regi (the albino corn snake) has eaten a white mouse every 6 days for us, and seemed well. When we first got him he was shedding in pieces, so I got some shed ease and gave him/her a nice warm bath and he shed completely. So, my hope is that last night when I noticed Regi looks pale and dull that he/she is preparing to shed again and not sick. This is our first snake and I just want to make sure we are doing the right thing. Also, I have read conflicting life span info for this breed of snake, any clarification for me? Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.

Hi Heather.
I think it is so wonderful of you to take over caring for your friends "elderly" cornsnake.  Average life span of cornsnakes is actually 10 years old!  Although there is documentation of one living to 21 years!  So let's hope that Regi continues on :-)  You didn't mention exactly how long it has been since Regi last shed..a month? Normally, a snake that old will shed usually once every two months.  But since you are feeding him MUCH more than he was used to he will shed more frequently. The pale and dullness sounds like a possible shed. Let me know how he does. Take care and thanks for writing :-)