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Found Escaped Corn Snake after 3-4 months

22 15:37:17

Hi.  I am hoping you can help me.  Our corn snake escaped back in January or February, and I just found him 2 days ago.  He is still a baby, probably about 7 months old by now.  We actually thought one of our other family pets ate him..but after a few months, he showed up on our bedroom floor.  Needless to say, he scared the crap out of me when I seen him on the floor.  Anyway, I set up his tank and put him back in to rest.  i tried feeding him that day, but he did not want to eat.  On Wednesday, he threw up what looked to be water and bile.  My questions are, what are the chances of survival, when should I try and feed him again, and since he has not eaten or drank anything is this something to be concerned about??  He has been hiding under the bedding since Wednesday and has not come out.  I checked earlier today to make sure he was still alive, and he was.  Any advise You can give, would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank You in Advance!!

Hi cracked me up laughing with how you reacted when you found him.  Of really is no laughing matter :-(  The best advise for right now is to "wait and see".  As long as you are providing fresh water and heating pad (which you are) he will hopefully make a full comeback.  Try feeding him again in 2 days and if he doesn't eat try again in another couple of days...try, try again :-)  He needs time to get his body temperature acclimated from such a long time on the loose.  He is VERY young to have even survived that long of time without food/water/shelter.  Let me know how he does.  Good luck.