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Rosy Boa

22 15:33:33

My rosy boa just shed and It looked like her eyecap stayed on, her eye was literally inflated, so I tried the scotch tape method and it looked like it worked  cause I could see the spot where the eyecap was. So I took cleaned tweezers and pulled it but it popped intead and water-like liquid came out (her eye didn't pop ity was the thing on her eye) It seemed that the eyecap filled up with water-like liquid. She hasn't eaten for 5-6 months. I'm really worried what do you think it is?

Hi Morgan,

    I advise that you get your snake to a vet. If your boa has retained eye caps, the vet can give you an ointment to help remove them. If you want to try a home remedy, triple antibiotic ointment applied directly to the eye over a couple of days can help loosen the caps. Please be very careful with the tape method. It is a good way to rip the surface of the eye off and your snake will be blind out of that eye. Always choose the side of caution. Please give your local exotic a animal vet a call and maybe he will give you some ointment without an office charge.

Not eating for 6 months is an even better reason to call the vet. I have a couple that will go 6 weeks without eating, but 6 months for a small snake is a very good indicator that something is wrong.

One final suggestion. Please consult a care sheet and make sure your husbandry methods are correct. Heat, humidity, and substrate can all cause eye and eating issues if they are not within the tolerance of the snake.


Kevin L. Ogle