Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Red Tail Boa Diareha

Red Tail Boa Diareha

22 15:26:46

My 12 yr old female was fed some mice about a week ago & she has for the pst 2-3 days has & continues to have diareha, it is a meduim brown color w/ very strong odor.Do you have any suggestions or indication of what may be the problem & a possible cure?Also if you know what may be causing this could youreccomend ways to prevent future problems.

  I have also seen from this from time to time. I do not believe that this is definite indication of a problem. Unless it continues after the next feeding, assume that it is like us humans and it is simply the body regulating itself from time to time. If it does continue, see a vet to help diagnose the problem. The only thing that readily comes to mind is possibly a parasite, but I think this is unlikely. Keep an eye on it! Please let me know if you have further questions.