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small black bugs on Ball Python

22 15:32:21

I have a young Ball Python (3 months).  She's not eating very well, but I've read your other answers on that & will try some different things.  She also has a cloudy eye, so I'll try putting some Neosporin on it, as you suggested in another answer.  My question is:  I noticed there are some tiny black bugs on the snake.  I've changed her bedding (snake grass) about once every 2 weeks).  Any idea where the bugs are from and how I can get rid of them?

Hi Ricky,
  You, my friend, have snake mites and they are very hard to get rid of. Some folks are successful in erraticating them, but I have only been able to contain them. I suggest you 1. remove the bedding (in the trash or to use as mulch), just get it our of the house. 2. Soak your snake every night for 20 to 30 min in luke-warm water. 3. purchase some invermec or sevin spray and a cheap sprayer from walmart. 4. spray the enclosure; soak it... 5. add new bedding, preferably coconut bark. 6. spray coconut bark with sevin or invermec. 7. Let the enclosure dry for 2 to 3 days (you  must keep your snake elsewhere and soak him every day, no exceptions). 8. Add snake and repeat as needed.

Snake mites are not that big of a deal in the wild. The feed off of the snake, fall off and wait for the next snake. In captivity, the snake can't get away, so the mites are much more of a worry. Keep after them and you can control them, if not get rid of them all together. This could be a cause of your snake not eating if he is losing a lot of blood to the snake mites.

Let me know how it turns out and if I can be of any more help.


Kevin L. Ogle