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Kingsnake woes...

22 15:36:50

Hello.  I happened upon this wonderful website a few days ago, and I have gone through the previous questions in regards to my type of situation.  A couple of weeks ago I bought two very beautiful kingsnakes.  One a lavender albino and the other completely black.  Already being the owner of a bubblegum snow albino cornsnake, I thought I was ready to expand my family.  From what I've read a kingsnake will need time to get used to the idea of being handled.  At first both did not respond well to being handled.  In fact the lavender(Amethyst) bit me.  Over the past couple of weeks I've been holding the black snake(Onyx) on a daily basis, and it seems to be getting more used to the idea of being held whereas Amethyst has bitten me a couple of times, as well as my boyfriend.  I even try to hold it with protective covering over my hands but it still tries to attack.  To be quite honest as foolish as this is to say I'm scared of this snake.  What would you recommend I do?

One thing that you didn't mention was the age of the snakes. If they are still young (less that six months old or so) it's normal for kings to bite. Time will most likely make this go away, as well as the snake growing up. But, if it's a sub-adult or older, you may not be able to modify it's behavior much. Handling would still be the best approach though, even if it means wearing gloves.
Some things that you do to help would be to make sure the snake is well fed. A snake that is underfed is always going to be on the lookout for food and is more likely to bite at a moving finger, etc. You might also try some making sure that your hands and arms are washed extremely well before handling to remove any possible food attracting scents. I would also try something that might be very unappealing in smell and taste to wash with (yet not harmful) like maybe those anti-viral hand wash liquids.