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22 15:33:00

I just bought my lil buddy a 50 gallon fish tank and i am turning it into a vivarium for rusty...he is a 14 month old creamsicle corn snake and the aquarium came with aquarium rock in it... I cleaned the rock and heated it in the oven to kill all bacteria....will this work for substrate or should i find something else to use?

Thank you,

Hey Jon

Keep in mind you will have to do a full clean on the cage every month or so..but otherwise as long as the rocks aren't sharp there shouldn't be any problems. As an FYI, heating in the oven does not kill all the creepy crawlies that could live there; only bleach does.

What I would be concerned about is your corn's behavior. If Rusty likes to bury then the rock should be taken out. However if he is like my corns and likes to hang out in their bushes all day I don't see a problem. Just make sure the humidity stays where it should be and keep an eye out to making sure his behavior does not change. Oh, and no feeding on gravel. Might end up getting eaten as well and cause a blockage.