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Which Snake

22 15:29:36

My wife and I currently have a Common Boa Constrictor of about 7' in length.  Due to the size and power of the snake my wife is unable to handle her.  We have been looking into the Wetsern Hog Nose, only to be told that they can be problematic if purchased as a hatchling.  I am wondering how hard it is to get the Hog Nose to feed from a hatchling.  If you have any suggestions for snakes which do not grow larger than 6' and are generally easy to handle, I would be greatful for your assistance.  
Thankyou for your time

Hi Ben,
  I have 2 hognose snakes that are easy feeders. They have eaten since they were little, so I do not see a problem with them feeding. You can also look into king snakes, corns, Chondros (green tree python), Amazon tree boa, Savu pythons... Lots of choices, just depends on what you want. Do you want a docile snake or a challenge?