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Milk snake (Pueblan)

22 15:32:46

Hi. I'm Rick I have a question about my milk snake. I bought him or her from a pet store about a year ago. I heard that milk snake were a good beginner snake. Yet mine has never seemed to get tame. Even after a year he still seem very wild. He bites and poops on me every time I try to handle him. I also have a albino corn snake and a ball python. They are very tame and I can handle them all the time. I pretty much gave up on handling my milk snake. Is there anything I can do to keep him from biting and pooping on me. I would love to be able to handle him.

Most milksnakes will tame by 6 months to a year of age. However, some types are tame from birth (like black milks) while others can be spastic their entire lives (hondurans, pueblans). So it really depends on the type as well as the age.

Lastly, temperature can be a major factor as well. After your snake digests it's meal (2-3 days) turn down/off the cage heat so that it's 70ish in the cage. Try handling him then. A cage that's too hot can really hype them up.