Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Eastern Brown Snake

Eastern Brown Snake

22 15:31:24

QUESTION: I found a brown snake while mowing grass.  He is 7 inches
long.  He eats earthworms.  How often should I feed him?  
He is always hungry.  He will eat a worm or two every day
if I give them to him. Maybe the worms I am giving him are
too small.  Can overfeeding him kill him?  Thanx!

ANSWER: Gayle,
  Are you in Australia? If so, your are keeping a potentially deadly snake and it is a really bad idea. Please see my profile as I cannot answer question regarding venomous elapids.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Brown Snake
Brown Snake  
QUESTION: No, I am in South Carolina, USA.  I read your profile.  He is not poisonous.  These snakes are also called "City Snakes".  They only grow to be about 13 inces long.  They usually live under piles of debris, etc.  What I really want to know is can feeding him too much kill him?  Thank you.

Hi Gayle,
   You can't be too careful. The "common brown" in AU is deadly and we do field questions from all over the globe. If he will eat that often, I would go ahead and feed him. Generally speaking, snakes will not overeat too much. Boas and Pythons might be the exception, but earthworms are not the size of rats or mice. If he becomes overweight, just cut back to every other day. I understand that they also like slugs, so that might also be a feeding option in the summer. He is a very pretty snake, I love the lateral brown lines!