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Cause of death (corn snake)

22 15:29:40

Hi. We bought a young adult corn snake last October that appeared to be doing quite well when it suddenly got very skinny and died. This occurred about 2 weeks after switching him into a new screen top cage with faux rock background and bendable climbing vines from his previous aquarium tank (glass top) that didn't have these other materials. I'm wondering if something about the new set-up could have caused this. My thoughts are:

The old cage the humidity easily remained at 70% or so, but in the new cage it stayed around 30%.

Off-gassing from any of the decorative materials.

Excessive UV light exposure. In the old tank, the UVB tube light shined through glass, the rest of the top was black plastic, but when I switched him to the new cage I just placed the tube over the screen.

Any info you can provide would be really helpful. Our son is heartbroken and I feel horrible that I did something to cause this animal's death. Thank you.

If the snake became very skinny, my best guess is that it picked up an internal parasite. Most are treatable by a trip to the vet, but to be honest, reptiles can be very delicate and sometimes don't recover despite the best of efforts. I doubt that it was caused by any of the factors that you mentioned, so I don't think you should blame yourself.