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Eye condition?

22 15:29:41


Bad eye
My ball python emerged with some weird growth on his eye the other day.  I'm wondering if it is his actual eye.  It is ball like in shape and as I looked at it closely I saw a scale.  I feed him live rats, so I'm leaning towards a damaged eye.  It's about 9 years old, captive bred.  I use the compressed "jungle" substrate that you have to soak in water.  I've got a heat pad for it and the humidity levels are below what they should be.  What do you think it looks like?  Do you have any ideas what I could do to help it?

Hey Brett,

The picture is not big enough to really see the bump. Have you checked for mites? If not that would be my first thing to do. The next step might be to change the substrate to something else. If you are using what I think it is not the best for ball pythons due to the amount of moisture it holds. Try Aspen instead, not saying this is the problem, but it could be contributing to it.

Please give me a bigger pic.
