Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > 3 yr old female corn snake

3 yr old female corn snake

22 15:29:59

My corn snake just stopped eating about 5-6 weeks ago. I have tried everything from poppers to numerous heated up dead mice. She was on a schedule of 7-10 days like clockwork. Nothing changed in her tank. Temps on the low side at night are 70deg. and 85deg during the day with a day light. my question is how long can she go without eating and are there any tricks to try like chicken stock etc.

Thank you!


Hey John,

Five too Six weeks is not that long for a snake to not eat. You say nothing has changed, but even a three degree drop can trigger an adult into breeding mode. Females may sometimes stop eating during this time.

Just continue to offer food every seven days. She will take it when she is ready.
