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my rat snake has escaped

22 15:29:59

my rat snake escaped from its vivarium on saturday and has been missing since i have tried laying food out didnt work water didnt work i put some blankets near a hole didnt work i put flour on the floor didnt work and i tried the heat mat and shelter with mice that didnt work

im becoming desperrate know i dont even know wether he is still in the house there is only one way he could of got out but he would of had to climbed for it and evan that was taped up at the time this snake is 7 or 8 feet long and i cant believe we havent yet he must be in the framework of the house im sure of it my dad is going to tear up the cuboards see if he is under there

is there any advice you can give me

the snake is 12 i think and is a male he is a bairds rat snake

Hello Tom,

A rat snake can get threw a hole the size of its head. So that is like what the size of a half dollar coin.

A few more places to check behind the fridge, dryer, washer, dish washer and around the sink. If you have hot water heat like base board there is a good chance he/ she is around the pipes. Have you stayed up all night to watch around the house?

I know you said you put mice out, but try putting them in a wire cage and sit it around some holes you have found and sit up one night near the hole and mouse.

A seven foot snake can climb straight up the wall and could get into the attic if it wanted. You may want to visit up there if possible.
