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Cid the snake

22 15:27:09

Cid is a Californian King Snake about 10 years old and recently turned very grumpy, last night I tried to feed him but he was very aggressive, striking with lashing tail not attempting to catch food just lashing out at anything he could see moving, he has never done that before. Cid is a very spoilt snake he has a big home with a tunnel and a hammock he also comes out for a run around the lounge quite often, but I cannot let him out if this is going to be a permanent way of acting.   I think I have contacted you before and you were very helpful with your advice.

  I would feed him and let him digest it for a couple of days, then try to handle him. I think that the changing of the season probably has more to do with it that anything else. The key is to not be afraid of him, even if he is aggressive. Put on some gardening gloves and handle him with confidence. I am sure he will go back to being docile in no time. Keep me posted.