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Is there a boa or python for me?

22 15:26:02

I want a snake. Very badly in fact. I used to co-own a red-tail baby that I was very bonded to, but I lost him in the break-up. It may sound dumb to say we were bonded, but I'd take him out from the moment I got home and he'd hang out for hours on my belly or in my hair. I'm told that babies normally should only be handled for 15 or so minutes at a time, but he seemed happy... Eitherwhoo, a few years later I got two green vine snakes, but I ended up taking them back to the place I got them. They just weren't the guys for me. They didn't really like being handled, and that's what I want. So, since then I've handled my friends 13 ft boa, and I'm not sure how ready I am for such a big creature. I want something that will only get to be like the size of a smaller ball python, but not a ball. A hearty little snake just like my red-tail. Is there such a thing as a 5-6 ft red tail? I love looking at Tiger reticulates, is there a retic that stays that small? I've looked at some (rosey boas, childrens pythons etc), but I don't like the look as much. This may also sound weird, but I don't like their head to body ratio. They look too much like worms, I like the distinct shape of the larger snakes' heads. Is there such a wonderful creature?

I think I can help.

Central American boas (often sold as "red-tails") do not exceed 5-6 feet.  

There are Dwarf retics available but they still grow up to the 9-12 foot range and they are expensive.

There is a boa called the "viper boa" which stays very small (2 feet) but has the big head you're looking for-they look like a pit viper.  But these are rare (though not expensive) and can be difficult to feed.  

And then if you didn't have to have a python or boa there are tons other snakes which satisfy your needs.

Where are you located perhaps I can help you find something?