Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > red-tail boas body is softening

red-tail boas body is softening

22 15:31:02

i was wondering why does the body of an red-tail boa soften or what could cause it? my parents put her in with a male for 3 days and ever sense her body keeps softening more and more like she is weak and has no strenght. i thought maybe pregnet or maybe dying so i looked on the internet and all i really found was the anatomy of a snack and you so will you please write me back and tell me what could be wronge with her. thank you!

Hello Jennifer,

I guess there would be a few questions to ask yourself before making any decisions on whether she is pregnant, sick or just growing.

Is your temps correct? 85-92 degrees
Is the humidity levels correct? 60-65%
Is she still eating? 1 every week
Do you notice her drinking?
Last one is she losing weight? This one needs to be allot of weight quickly.

If your answers to these questions is either at the level I suggested or are yes for the first few and no to the last. You really should not worry.

Hope this help,
Eric Rovegno