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My Ball was bit by a rat on his snout

22 15:31:03

Please sir, what should I do when a rat has bit my ball 3ft long 1 1/2 years old. He was bit on his his nostril and as a result his breathing seems labored at times and I hear a high pitch sweal. It appears to have dried up blood in the front nose/mouth region.I have bathed him and kept the humidity high as well as temperature. he is still very friendly and mobile,but he keeps rubbing his injury against the side of the tank. Do to the Holiday season I dont have the money for a vet. Please help thank you ERic

  There is a good lesson to be learned here. Feed frozen / thawed, that is all I will lecture... Okay, if it has scabbed over, make sure that his nostril is clear and open. If it is scabbed up, sterilize a toothpick or dental instrument and remove the scab over the nostril only. Once that is done, purchase some Wal-mart equate brand 3 in 1 antibiotic ointment. This product is mineral oil based and will not hurt your snake. Rub it on the area 2 - 3 times per day for 1 - 2 weeks. Keep your husbandry correct and he should be fine. If it doesn't go away, bite the bullet and see a vet. It will probably leave a scar, but should not hinder his breathing.