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Ball python feeding problem

22 15:29:16

Our Ball python is about 7 years old and we have never had any problems with her eating a live mouse once a week to 10 days.  She has now just stopped eating.  The mouse runs around the cage and she looks at it but will not strike/eat. She appears normal other than this and its been a month, 3rd fresh mouse and no interest - Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!

Hi Roger,

Has your royal been more active than normal recently? this could indicate the fact that your royal is looking for a mate. its breeding season at the moment and this puts many snakes off food.

not feeding for a month, especially for royals is no big problem. royals can and will stop feeding for over 2 months with no ill effects. keep and eye on your snake's weight and unless she starts to lose weight i wouldn't worry.

i hope this helps,
