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New Royal Not Eating

22 15:29:16


You more than likely get this a lot, but I was given a Royal Python for my birthday a month ago. My only problem is that she is not eating. She is looking interested in the food, but just not eating it. I have tried several different options,(each time leaving her for about a week before trying again) striking, leaving on floor, cutting off the whiskers on the mouse, squeezing the nose of the mouse. I am mainly worried because her feeding chart she hasn't missed a feed.

I also have not handled her much since I have brought her home.

The viv set up is to standard, the heating is sitting at about 29 on the warm side and 24 on the cool side. She also has two hides one in the cool and the warm.

I am more than likely worrying about nothing but, yea.

Any help would be appreciated.

ANSWER: Rebecca,
   How long is she and how old is she? BPs are notorious for not eating. Have you tried feeding live yet? Depending on her size, she can go a month or two (some as long as 6) without eating. Make sure she had water and give live a try. You can always change her back to frozen later on.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she is 8mths old, approx and she is a good 2 1/2 foot long. I don't really want to try her with live she is cb. i change her water ever other day.

Hi Rebecca,
  Your snake is still quite small, but big for an 8 month old, Still yet, since she is small, do not let her go too long until you try live. The main thing is to get her to eat a couple times in her new surroundings and then establish a routine. It sounds like you are trying all the right things. Once she strikes the mouse, try continuing to wiggle the mouse to make her think that it is alive. That worked with my D'albert's python.