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Corn Snake behavior

22 15:30:00

I have had my albino corn snake for just over three months. He's just over a foot long and in recent weeks he refuses to stay in his hide. He hangs up by the tiny space just under the lid of his enclosure. Its hard to get him down because when I lift the lid he tends to plop over and I dont want him to fall and get hurt.

I've tried every temperature from 78 all the way to 98 degrees (F) but he still climbs under the lid. I know that his enclosure isnt the problem but he hangs up there all day and all night even right after I feed him.

I also worry that he doesnt come down to drink water, I either have to put him by his dish or hold him by the dish (He always drinks when I do this) very rarely do I see him drink on his own.

Lastly he's been slightly agressive to me (only after eating) when he didn't use to be. I put him in a box, feed him, then carefully lift him back into his tank. The passed two feedings however he turned to strike at me even though I made sure I thoroughly washed my hands of any scent from the pinkies.  

I don't think that there is much that you can do. He feels more comfortable hiding under the lid than anywhere else. You could try providing another hide area for him and see if that helps. Even something simple like the lid off of a Cool-Whip container on the ground will do. Another thing that you can do, if you're worried about him falling, is use an artificial tree branch that goes from the ground to hear the top where he is hiding so that he can get down without falling.

As far as the temp, 98 degrees is way too hot. Never let the temp get about 84 or so, as the snake probably doesn't have a way to escape the heat and could perish.

As far as him striking at you, this is often a defense mechanism after a snake has eaten. They feel somewhat defenseless after eating their meal as they have extra weight at this time, so it makes it harder to evade a predator (ie. You). It might also be that he's still hungry. Are the meals of an appropriate size to satisfy him? They should leave a noticeable bulge in his stomach that last for 24-48 hrs afterwards.