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Feeding Question

22 15:32:05

I am going to purchase a snake in the very near future, and so I am doing research in an attempt to be well prepared for when I finally get my new pet.  My question is this, I have read on multiple sites that it is a good idea to remove your snake from its cage or tank when feeding, I have also read that handling your snake for two days after it feeds is a bad idea.  If this is the case, how do you move your snake back from its feeding cage to its regular habitat?

Hello Steve,

Great choice on a pet.

As for the feeding question. You can feed in the tank, but I would suggest feeding in another container. This to get the snake used to you and your reaching in to pick him/her up to feed or hold. The reason its not suggested to feed in the same cage is due to them striking at you when all you want is to hold them.

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno