Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Unformed scales on Burmese hatchling.

Unformed scales on Burmese hatchling.

22 15:36:42

QUESTION: Hello, I have recently bought a Burmese python hatchling from a reputable breeder. I view four specimens from the same clutch and all had an identical "marking" on their head.
My burm has just had his first shed and it came off in one piece no problem. Just a couple of scales on the top of his head seem to have not "formed" properly.
I believe they will form after the next couple of sheds, but I haven't heard much about this so thought I'd ask.


ANSWER: I had a honduran milksnake that displayed scales just like that. Then never went away, but they didn't seem to be a problem for the snake either.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the speedy response.
I feel reassured, but I'm wondering if you would have any links to other specialists who would know more information i.e why it is caused, possible treatments etc. I'm assuming its genetic/hereditary.

Great, thanks.

When it happened to my snake a couple of years ago I posted pictures on and nobody could give me an explanation. I don't know if it's genetic or something to do with incubation. Someone else that you might ask is Dave and Tracy Barker on