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Ball Python Eye Injury

22 15:32:29

I have a ball python, about 4.5ft long. She started her shedding, but before she actually started shedding her skin I noticed an odd spot on her eye, almost like a small scab about the size of a pin head.

Once she shed, her eyecaps came off fine, but on her right eye there is a very small hole. Some liquid came out, but no blood and other than the hole there seems to be no dammage.

What should I do to help her, and will this heal up on its own?

Hello Rebecca,

Its hard to say. DO you have any wire in the tank where she could have rubbed her eye on?

The good thing is that she will heal up, but may become blind in that eye. Don't worry though she will do just fine.

Hope this helps.

Eric Rovegno