Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > is my cornsnake ill

is my cornsnake ill

22 15:32:58

since a couple of weeks ago i have been noticing that i can hear my cornsnakes breathing. its coming out a bit weezy. i checked this out and thought it could be a respiratory infection but he doesnt seem to have any of the other symptoms (e.g.bubbly nose etc.)
in addition he has not eaten for nearly 4 weeks and he seems to have the remains of smaller scales stuck between his new scales after he shed.
i am well aware that snakes sometimes dont feed up to a couple of months at a time, but i wondered whether the combined problems might lead to something more serious?

apart from the problems above he is a reasonably active and alert animal. i couldnt check his faeces as he hasnt eaten but i remember them looking normal last time i saw some.
what do you think?

Hey Emily (Sorry about the timing, computer died on me)

The wheezing is never good for a snake, and with the combined not eating may point to an infection. I would get him in for a checkup. If anything you can get a physical and see if some antibiotics might cure the not eating. With the change in weather as well, the spores might be affecting him.